Anaesthetic Machines
As anaesthesia represents a time literally between life and death, it is a critical time for your pet. Dr Kovac was cogniscient of this when building the hospital and invested heavily in an anaesthetic support system seen more commonly in human theatres. The ‘low-flow’ GE machines that are used in the operating theatre are the same models that are currently used at top human hospitals.
Monitoring over 15 vital signs is integral to the machines usefulness. Monitored parameters include heart rate, oxygen saturation, expired CO2 concentration, inhaled agent concentration, expired agent concentration, expired oxygen, brainwave activity, respiratory rate, respiratory depth among others.
They allow our doctors to monitor more closely the anaesthetic depth of your pet, meaning a lower dose of anaesthetic drugs may be required. This ensures a smooth, more stable recovery and most surgeries thus are in fact ‘day procedures’. You can rest assured that your pet at Southern Cross Veterinary Clinic will have an optimal anaesthetic experience that is focused on safety and comfort.