Top level care for your loved ones

Veterinary Surgery

You can trust that your pet is getting the very highest level of care when they go in for surgery at Southern Cross Vet

Why choose Southern Cross Veterinary Clinic if your pet needs surgery?

So if your pet is part of your family; if you demand only the highest standards and safest treatment; if you want them to be comfortable and constantly monitored during any procedure and you will only tolerate exceptional care for your loved one, then you will feel comfortable in knowing that every animal at Southern Cross Veterinary Clinic is treated with the best available care by a dedicated team of veterinary surgeons and exceptional nursing staff.

Our Surgeons

Our family of caring doctors are dedicated to giving your pet the most modern surgical experience and are up to date with the latest techniques.

We’ve got a relationship with some of Sydney’s amazing surgical specialists should your pet require special surgery this includes:

  • Orthopaedic surgery (cruciate repair, floating kneecap correction, hip replacement, fracture repair)
  • Soft tissue surgery (skin grafts, gastrointestinal anastamosis, gastropexy)
  • Reconstructive surgery (vaginaplasty, entropion correction, skin fold resection)

Anaesthetic Machines

As anaesthesia represents a time literally between life and death, it is a critical time for your pet. Dr Kovac was cogniscient of this when building the hospital and invested heavily in an anaesthetic support system seen more commonly in human theatres. The ‘low-flow’ GE machines that are used in the operating theatre are the same models that are currently used at top human hospitals.

Monitoring over 15 vital signs is integral to the machines usefulness. Monitored parameters include heart rate, oxygen saturation, expired CO2 concentration, inhaled agent concentration, expired agent concentration, expired oxygen, brainwave activity, respiratory rate, respiratory depth among others.

They allow our doctors to monitor more closely the anaesthetic depth of your pet, meaning a lower dose of anaesthetic drugs may be required. This ensures a smooth, more stable recovery and most surgeries thus are in fact ‘day procedures’. You can rest assured that your pet at Southern Cross Veterinary Clinic will have an optimal anaesthetic experience that is focused on safety and comfort.

Wonderful Nurses

Our nurses all have pets of their own and are selected because of their genuine love of animals. They stay BY YOUR PET’S SIDE until the completion of the recovery process. They are in charge of maintaining your pets temperature, administering pain medications and monitoring all vital signs during your pets recovery at our hospital.


Our operating theatre is designed for surgeon comfort, and therefore optimal surgical outcomes.

Our state-of-the-art, sterile operating theatre is among the most spacious and is fully equipped to support our surgeons in their precise work and even has piped-in music for optimal comfort.

Pain Relief

Every Southern Cross Veterinary Clinic patient goes home with a personalised plan to combat pain and inflammation after surgery. It is well recognised that pain hampers the healing process and so this is why our veterinarians tailor the medication plan to suit your pet.

Highest Quality Instruments

We use the German-made Aesculap(TM) range of surgical instruments. This ensures that less tissue trauma occurs while the surgeon is operating and makes for less inflammation post surgery.

Intensive Care & Recovery

Our recovery room offers pets in intensive care or post-surgery monitoring the latest in patient comfort. We are cage-free and have beautiful glass and aluminium suites to accommodate pets feeling under the weather.

We’re committed to avoiding the main anaesthetic complication – hypothermia and have invested in technology such as Bair-Huggers and Nellcor WarmTouch systems (the same systems used in human paediatric wards) to shorten recovery times.

Constant Monitoring

Our dedicated nurses use state-of-the art monitoring devices as well as gentle hands when recovering your pet. Our monitoring devices include capnography, pulse oximetry, non-invasive blood pressure, ECG and other advanced systems to make sure the recovery period is as smooth as possible.