The pests can do significant harm

Worms, Fleas & Ticks

There are quick, easy and painless solutions to all of these.

De Worming

Treating your dogs and cats for worms is very important as they live everywhere in the environment.

Tapeworms, whipworms and roundworms are the most common worms that need to be prevented and medication is very safe.

Signs of intestinal parasitism are non-specific and include weight loss, bloating, flatulence, a  dull coat.

There are a variety of de worming treatments available, with some products treating fleas and heartworm as well. We will discuss the right treatment for your pet and can administer the medication to save you the hassle.


Fleas can cause many skin issues and can result in your pet excessively scratching themselves and can also cause scaly, smelly, and reddened skin.

Fleas are tiny little parasites that hold onto your pet’s skins and can cause skin irritation amongst your cats and dogs. Without proper treatment, a single flea can end up causing a flea infestation and lead to a condition known as Flea Allergy Dermatitis.

Signs of a flea infestation include excessive scratching, irregular agitation, and red pimples or bumps on your pet’s skin.

Fleas can be prevented through the use of chewables, spot-on treatment, medicated shampoos, tablets and environmental control. It is best to schedule an appointment with a veterinarian at Southern Cross Veterinary Clinic to discuss the best course of action for your pet.


Any contact with a tick’s saliva can potentially transmit the infection to your pet or even to you.

Like spiders and mites, ticks are arachnids. After attaching itself on to a host, a tick feeds on the host’s blood and in turn deposits a potent nerve toxin in the host’s body through its saliva. This toxin can cause the connection between the host dog or cat’s nerves and muscles to malfunction.

Once a tick bites and feeds upon your pet’s blood, it swells in size and is often visible to our naked eyes. An inquisitive look into your pet’s fur from time-to-time can often reveal whether your fur baby has ticks or not.

Several of the preventatives that work for fleas, are useful in preventing ticks as well. However, it is best to consult your vet at Southern Cross Veterinary Clinic before using any medicated products on your pets.