We will come to you

House Calls

Perfect if your pet has trouble moving, travelling, or stresses at the vet.

At Southern Cross Veterinary Clinic we understand that it’s important to offer a comprehensive house call service.

Our rapid response vehicles are fitted out with a comprehensive range of diagnostic tool and sampling equipment to make our house calls. A high-quality extension of our clinic’s services. Prices are as follows:

House Calls: $180 (including consult)


When you may consider requesting a house call from Southern Cross Veterinary Clinic;

  1. Older pets
    Some pets find it difficult to make it to the vet, whether it is because of sore joints or another issue.
  2. Stressed pets
    Many pets (cats in particular), don’t like travelling in their cat carrier, making it more difficult for the examining veterinarian to evaluate your pet. In some instances, a home visit is more practical.
  3. Mobility issues
    We don’t believe that immobility or not having a car should be impediments to getting high-quality veterinary care.
  4. You’re in self isolation due to COVID-19
    We’ve got a committment to help our community comply with their civic duties of isolation, so if you or if a close contact of yours is in self isolation due to covid, book a housecall. Yes we’re great at social distancing πŸ™‚

Call reception on 02 9516 0234 for more information or to book a housecall.