Kittens must be vaccinated at 8 weeks of age, and then again at 12 weeks of age. The diseases below are what are covered in the vaccinations;
Feline Enteritis: is the most common life-threatening disease affecting cats. It is a contagious viral disease with a high death rate in cats under 12 months of age. Signs include fever, depression, severe stomach pain, vomiting diarrhoea and dehydration.
Feline Herpes Virus: also known as cat flu. Typical symptoms include sneezing, runny eyes and coughing. Young kittens are particularly susceptible.
Feline Calicivirus: is a common respiratory disease in cats. The virus attacks the respiratory tract, lungs and nasal passages, the mouth, with ulceration of the tongue, the intestines, and the musculoskeletal system.
Fleas on cats are small dark brown insects. The flea’s bite can cause itching but for a sensitive or flea-allergic animal, this itching can be quite severe and leads to hair-loss, inflammation and secondary skin infections.
Worms can have a serious health effect on kittens, so intestinal worming should never be ignored. There are five types of worms that generally affect cats: heartworms, roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms. Some of these worms can be passed on to humans so it is vital that kittens are wormed regularly. Children are particularly susceptible to picking these up.
Kittens can pick up fleas and worms from almost anywhere! So preventing them is much better than cure. Treating fleas and worms can be a lengthy process once infected.
Flea and worming is an extremely vital part of kitten care which many owners do not understand the importance of. Fleas and worms are very common in young animals and they can easily be prevented. Here at Southern Cross Vet’s we can provide you with an annual pack of all your flea and worm treatment. This pack provides a 20% discount on the products.
Kittens should be wormed every 2 weeks until they are 12 weeks of age. At 12 weeks of age puppies and kittens can be wormed monthly until they are 6 months old. They should then be wormed every 3 months. Kittens need to be flea treated monthly with Activyl. This is a spot on which goes onto the back of the neck. This product also helps to prevent ticks.
Kittens have small stomachs so the aim is to feed three small meals until they are 6 months old (then drop to 2 per day) rather than 24-hour “free feeding” access to their food, which can lead to bad eating habits in adulthood.
It is vital that kittens are fed kitten food. Adult food contains large kibble which can be a choking hazard, and is made up of a different formulation. Kitten food has the right nutrients for growth. Cooked bones can splinter and therefore can potentially cause serious intestinal problems.
If you’d like to have your kitten desexed at our clinic please call us on (02) 9516 0234 or email us at [email protected].
Male dogs and cats can be castrated from 6 months of age. Desexing will reduce the risk of prostate cancer, testicular cancer and unwanted behaviours such as scent marking. Castration is the surgical removal of the testicles. During the procedure, each of the testes and testicular epididymis removed along with sections of the testicular blood vessels and spermatic ducts. The procedure is completed fairly quickly and cats are given a pain relief injection so they wake up comfortably.
Female cats can be speyed anytime from 6 months. Speying your female will reduce the risk of mammary cancers and uterus infection. It will also stop them from coming into season. Speying is the surgical removal of the ovaries. During the desexing procedure an abdominal incision is made and the ovaries and uterus are detached. The procedure can take up to an hour and is major surgery!