Puppy Parties

“Play is important and you can see this since play has been conserved throughout the evolution of dogs for more than 40,000 years to today” – Dr Sam Kovac

Congratulations on the newest addition to your family! It can get overwhelming having to take care of such a cute little ball of destruction and that’s where we come in. At Southern Cross, we understand how tough and confusing it can be to raise a fur baby so we’ve decided to run Puppy Parties. 


Between the ages of 2-16 weeks is what we call the critical socialisation period where you should be exposing your puppy to as many new puppies, places and people as possible. This is often very difficult as they aren’t completely vaccinated yet and shouldn’t go outside. That’s where our Puppy Party comes in! 

It’s as cool as it sounds and is a great way to socialise your pup with different dog breeds, sizes, smells and people. 


Puppy party takes advantage of the age when puppies’ brains have ‘neuroplasticity’ or are able to be moulded. 

Through exposing puppies to stimulation in the form of music, different voices, different sizes of play-mates and new textures of toys we desensitise them to a lot of real-world situations. 

Since many ‘puppy partiers’ first life experiences were having fun at the vet, we’ve seen that our ‘puppy partiers’ are less anxious returning for treatments or tests at the vet and don’t see the clinic as a ‘scary place’, but a place where happiness stems from. 

Puppy partiers LOVE the vet and often bound in to see us years after their first ‘pawty!’ 

This makes our job easier also treating your pets when they’re in a low fear state! 


There is no such thing as a ‘silly question’… 

If it’s your first time owning a dog or it’s been some time since your last one then you might have a few questions you wanted answered. The nurses are freely available to answer any questions you might have about: 

  • Training – toilet training and play biting
  • Worming and flea treatment
  • Desexing – when and why
  • General Puppy Care – how to do a health check
  • Insurance – why and what to look out for 


There’s literally nothing to do before a party apart from: 

1) Let them have a toilet break before to reduce accidents during the party
2) Take off all harnesses and attire as this can get caught during play and sometimes damaged. 

Our Sydney Puppy Parties are held at our Bellevue Hill clinic and St Peters clinic on different weeknights, each an hour long. Puppy Parties in our Cairns Beaches Clinic (in Smithfield) are held every Saturday at 3pm. Click one of the links below to book a spot now! Spots are limited and fill up quickly. 

St Peters – Every Wednesday from 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm  

Bellevue Hill – Every Thursday from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm 

Cairns Beaches – Every Saturday from 3 pm to 4 pm 

Please note, all puppies must be under 16-weeks of age strictly! Kindly also make sure your puppy isn’t unwell or showing any signs of illness.