27 May Valentine’s day pet tips
This weekend we’re celebrating the Saint Valentines Day, the day that is associated with courtly love. It is also a time where we need to consider the safety and wellbeing of our pets.
It is a tradition for many couples to light candles to set the mood for a romantic supper or evening. Remember that rambunctious pets or those with particularly ‘waggy’ tails can spill candles. Apart from the mess that cooled wax can make on their fur, they could start a fire, so never leave candles unattended when lit. A good pet-friendly alternative are LED votives which are flame-free and can be left on
all the time.
If you’re lucky enough to receive flowers this weekend, make sure that any lillies are kept away from your cat as they have a punchy toxin that can cause kidney failure.
No Valentines day is complete without chocolates and while we all have heard of the dangers of pets ingesting chocolate the danger can’t be overstated. Excess consumption of dark chocolate can lead to seizures and heart failure so keep the morsels well away from them. Don’t forget to dispose of the wrappers of chocolate as well as some pets will sniff out the chocolate remains on the wrappers. In doing so they may ingest a sufficient quantity of plastic and foil to cause an intestinal obstruction that could see you at an emergency room, which is not a nice place to spend Valentine’s day. Consider buying your pet carob-based chocolates so they don’t feel left out!
Many couples enjoy celebrating with some champagne or other sparkling beverage, but remember that no amount of alcohol is safe for dogs and cats, you don’t want your day to be spoiled by having to clean up puddles of vomit.
It’s a day for each other but remember not to leave your pet out of the love, pets are emotional creatures too and can easily feel left out, so be sure to let your furry loved ones know that they’re appreciated also.