20 Oct Senior Pet Awareness Month and caring for your senior dog or cat
At Southern Cross, we love all pets, young and old! We are aware that as your pets get older, their health needs may become more prevalent.
We’re celebrating all things about our senior pets as they head into the ‘golden years’. Some things to watch out for:
1. Limping – as pets age they often can be stiffer and more sore
2. Lumps – with time, tumours can be more common
We are better than ever able to improve their quality of lives through diagnostics and good medicine.
Some conditions that are really common that you CAN’T watch out for yourself include:
> Cancer
> High blood pressure
> Diabetes
> Liver problems
> Kidney disease
> Dementia
A Senior pet health check is a cost-effective way of practising true ‘preventative health medicine’. It makes sense to be pro-active rather than re-active in treating our ageing pets.
Once a Dog or Cat turns 7, they officially enter the “Golden Years” and are referred to a a Senior Dog or Cat. It is in these advancing year that ailments such as arthritis and diseases like cancer and degenerative diseases become more common. It’s in their best interests ti establish a senior pet care program and keep an eye on their health.
A Study has been undertaken of 7827 dogs 1-18 years of age with nothing abnormal detected by owner and nothing on clinical exam by a Veterinarian. A Wellness blood test was completed and 31% of results showed abnormal levels, with 53% warranted further investigation.
1192 cats were studied between 1-18 years of age with nothing abnormal detected by owner, nothing on clinical exam by a Veterinarian. A Wellness blood test was completed and 26% of results showed abnormal levels, 68% warranted further investigation.
Which is why we recommend all seniors to have a Senior Health Assessment which involves:
- Comprehensive blood testing
- Abdominal ultrasound to check for any internal issues
- Urine testing
- Blood pressure
- Eye pressure test
- Full physical examination is performed
We want our animals to live long and lead healthy lives, and we can encourage this by keeping up to date with the latest veterinary treatments and senior dog care.
The fee for Sydney’s most comprehensive Senior Health Check is $299 without an ultrasound and $699 with an ultrasound
Book in for your senior health check by clicking here for a booking. We look forward to seeing you on your next visit, or here for contact information.
Thank you,
Dr. Sam Kovac and the Southern Cross Team