27 Jan 10 Things Dogs Hate That People Do
Dogs are loyal and social creatures that love to please their masters. In addition to providing companionship, dogs also actively help in reducing stress and anxiety and give us a reason to be physically active. However, owning a dog is not just fun and play. Dog ownership is a responsibility that has to be taken seriously!
“Do dogs hate humans?”
Have you ever found yourself asking the question: “Do dogs hate their owners? Are they even capable of doing so?”
While dogs do not hate their humans, there are certain things dogs hate about their owners. Despite being our best friends and having an extreme sense of loyalty towards us, we can often annoy dogs by our behaviour and actions. Even the most loyal and affectionate of pooches will have something they hate about their owner, and while some of the actions they hate are unavoidable (such as clipping their nails or taking them to the groomer), there are certain behaviours we can work upon to make things easier for our dogs.
10 things dogs hate about their humans:
1. Disregarding their Boundaries – Much like humans, dogs have a sense of personal space and appreciate their privacy. They do tend to dislike it when others, especially people they do not know or trust invade this space. Aggressively hugging your dog or being overly affectionate towards them may cause irritation and lead them to act out aggressively. Certain dogs may even dislike their owners touching and prodding their faces. It is therefore advised to be understanding and to respect their personal space.
2. Yelling – Yelling is definitely one of the main things that dogs hate about human behaviour. Yelling at your dog, or even someone else for that matter may severely scare or even upset your dog. No one likes being yelled at, not even your dog. It is therefore important to remember not to raise your voice too much in their presence. If you are yelling to reprimand your dog, you may find that it is far easier to discipline your dog with the anticipation of treats as compared to the fear of your disapproval.
3. Strong Fragrances – Dogs have a very strong sense of smell. Their sense of smell is 10,000 to 100,000 times stronger than the sense of smell of humans. Dogs use this sense of smell to identify things and even people. This is why we often observe them sniffing things wherever they go. However, the flip side of having such a strong sense of smell is that pungent odours and other heavy scents can tend to be overpowering for our pooches and cause them irritation. As pet owners, you should therefore use air-fresheners, deodorants, hairsprays and other scents when your pets are not around.
4. Making them Feel Ignored – As mentioned earlier, dogs are social creatures. This why they hate being left alone or ignored. Dogs crave human companionship, and being left alone for too long may cause panic or even separation anxiety. While it is not possible to spend all your time with your dog, it is important for you to spend some quality time with them. Extended play sessions, long walks and cuddles can go a long way in making them feel special. When possible, you should
also consider taking them out to dog friendly cafés and restaurants. If no one is home to accompany them when you are at work, you might also want to put them in a doggy day care or hire a dog sitter while you are away.
5. Changes in their Routine – Dogs love routine. They appreciate it when their owner provides them with some structure and consistency. Feeding them at a particular time and taking them out for scheduled walks and play sessions makes them feel comfortable. Going to bed too late or sleeping in for too long would not only interrupt their routine but also lead to undesirable behaviour as the sudden change in feeding schedule or play time may cause them to act out.
6. Forcing them to Interact with Dogs and People they Don’t Like – Like us, humans, dogs also have a set of people and other pooches they like or dislike. Forcing them to interact or play with those they do not get along with, makes them irritable and may also cause them act out in the form of biting the other dog or barking too loudly. You can’t force a dog to like or dislike someone. It is therefore not advisable to make your dog feel uncomfortable by forcing them to be with dogs or people they don’t like.
7. Not Allowing them to Smell and Explore on Walks – Dogs like to explore things when they go on walks. As they use their sense of smell more than their sight to identify objects, they like to spend time sniffing the things they come across in their walks to make an association with those objects. If you keep your dog on too tight a leash and not let them explore or look around, you take away the opportunity for them to identify the things they come across. Additionally, by not letting them explore their surroundings and by keeping them on a tight leash, you take away their sense of freedom. Allow your dog the freedom to go slow and explore, and you’ll notice how happy this makes them.
8. Dressing them Up – One of the things dogs hate that people do is force them to dress up in unique costumes and attires. While we find dressed-up dogs cute and adorable, it is not natural for dogs to be dressed up. Dressing them up makes them feel uncomfortable and often restricts their movement. To add to it, dogs often feel embarrassed when we dress them up. While a few dogs may tolerate being dressed up, they certainly do not enjoy the experience.
9. Blowing in their Faces – Blowing in your dog’s face causes them discomfort and is a really unpleasant feeling for them. Blowing in their face might cause them to become ultra-defensive, which in turn can lead to violence in the form of a dog bite. A dog’s face is much more sensitive than the face of a human, and thus blowing in their face unexpectedly causes them to flinch.
10. Interrupting their Sleep – Dogs, just like humans, don’t like being woken up suddenly in their sleep. Older dogs especially have a deeper sleep as compared to younger ones and might not be alerted by footsteps approaching them. A sudden nudge on their back to wake them up might catch them in surprise and even cause them to act out. We must try and let them wake up naturally and not wake them up abruptly. Giving them a routine and structure may help them wake up on time so that you don’t have to shake them awake.