Vets Near Alexandria: Get the Safest Pet Dental Work at Southern Cross Veterinary Clinic

Most pet owners are so used to their dogs having bad breath that they don’t even think twice about it. However, while most dogs don’t exactly have minty fresh breath, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take the issue seriously. Bad breath in dogs (or cats, for that matter), can be a sign of a deeper dental issue, be it gingivitis, gum infections and more.

At Southern Cross Veterinary Clinic, a vet near Alexandria NSW, we find that many pet owners are hesitant to bring their dogs or cats in for dental work because they are worried. After all, for most dental procedures, pets do have to be anaesthetised, and it is natural to be slightly uneasy about such processes.

When you bring your pet to Southern Cross Veterinary Clinic, though, you don’t have to be uneasy about anaesthesia. We are known as one of the safest vets near Alexandria for dental work, and for several different reasons. First of all, we use the same anaesthetic machines in our operating rooms that you would find in the top operating rooms in human hospitals or dental offices.

At Southern Cross Veterinary Clinic, we also make sure that our vets know as much about pet dental care as they do about de-sexing surgeries and other common veterinary procedures. From tooth extraction to below-gumline teeth cleaning, you can count on our vets near Alexandria to know what they are doing and to do it in the safest and most effective way possible.

Learn more about our pet dental work, at